| Code | Full Description |
A | AEGP30 | All Especially thick Gold (30 microns) Plated case |
| AGF | All Gold Filled case |
| AGWF | All White Gold Filled case |
| ARHF | All Rhodium Filled case |
| ASVP | All Silver Plated case |
α | α – GP or AA-GP | ‘alpha’ (23K) special gold plated case |
B | BL | Black (case and bezel) – hard & light black coated alloy |
| BLG | Black coated alloy case, Gold bezel |
| BLG-K | Black coated alloy case, Gold bezel, with exhibition back |
| BLHS | Black coated alloy case, (stainless) super Hard Steel bezel |
| BLIG | Black coated alloy case, mirror polished titanium nitride gold bezel |
| BLPD | Black coated alloy case, palladium plated bezel |
| BLRG | Black coated alloy case, Rose Gold bezel |
| BLS | Black coated alloy case, (stainless) Steel bezel |
| BLTI | Black coated alloy case, Titanium carbide bezel |
| BLUA | Black coated alloy case, (stainless) Ultra hard Alloy (carbide) bezel |
| BLUG | Black coated alloy case, (stainless) Ultra hard alloy Gold (carbide) bezel |
C | CCP | Citizen special thickness Chrome Plated case and bezel |
| CGP | Citizen special thickness Gold Plated case |
| CGPA | Citizen special extra thickness Gold Plated case |
| CL | Citizen L? , jewel case – possibly glass case |
| CRPG | Chrome Plated case, Pink (rose) Gold bezel |
| CSP | Citizen Special (stainless) Steel Plated |
E | EGF | Especially thick Gold Filled |
| EGP30 | Especially thick Gold Plate, 30 microns |
G | GF | Gold Filled |
| GL | G? L?, crystal glass case |
| GP | Gold Plated |
| GPB-K | Gold Plated case, Black bezel with exhibition back |
I | IG | I? stainless steel case with titanium nitride (i.e. Gold colour) coating, mirror finish |
| IGG | I? stainless steel case with titanium nitride (i.e. Gold colour) coating, mirror finish, Gold plated bezel |
J | JA | Jewelry Agate, polished agate case |
K | K14 | 14Karat solid gold case |
| K14WG | 14Karat solid white gold case |
| K18 | 18Karat solid gold case |
| K18WG | 18Karat solid white gold case |
N | NGF | New Gold Filled case |
| NWGF | New White Gold Filled case |
P | PDP | Palladium Plated case |
| PM | solid Platinum case |
| PMF | Platinum Filled case |
| PMP | Platinum Plated case |
R | RHF | Rhodium Filled case |
| RHP | Rhodium Plated case |
| RN | synthetic Resin case |
| RN-P | synthetic Resin case with exhibition back |
| RSGP | Rose Gold Plated case |
S | SHA | Super Hard Alloy case |
| SHS | Super Hard stainless Steel case |
| SLV | solid Silver case |
| SLVGP | solid Silver case, Gold bezel |
| SS | Stainless Steel Case |
| SSα | Stainless Steel case with ‘alpha’ 23K gold bezel |
| SSB | Stainless Steel case with Black bezel |
| SSG | Stainless Steel case with Gold bezel |
| SSIG | Stainless Steel case, with I? titanium nitride (I.e.Gold colour) mirror finish bezel |
| SSS | Special Stainless Steel case |
| SSTI | Stainless Steel case, Titanium carbide bezel |
| SSUA | Stainless Steel with Ultra hard Alloy (carbide) bezel |
| STAINLESS STEEL | stainless steel case |
| SVGP30 | Solid Silver case, Gold Plated 30 microns bezel |
T | TGP | Top Gold Plated |
| TI | Titanium carbide (ultra hard alloy) case |
| TN | Titanium Case |
U | UHA | Ultra Hard Alloy (titanium carbide) case |
| UHAG | Ultra Hard Alloy Gold (titanium nitride) case |
| UHBC | stainless steel case with Ultra Hard Black Coating, mirror polished? |
| UHC | Ultra Hard Ceramic case |
W | WD | Wooden case |
| WGF | White Gold Filled case |
| WGP | White Gold Plated case |
| WGPA | White Gold Plated All case, and back? |
| WGPG | White Gold Plated case, Gold bezel